Hey Y'all!my name's farah and im 16 going on 17.i love shopping!!!xp i also lyk the strawberry ice cream frm hagen daz...i prefer science subjects as compared to huamnities.i love watching tv,esp disney channel!xp my favourite story is the little mermaid(the orginal hans christian anderson one,not the fake disney channel one.) i enjoy surfing the net as well as hanging out wif my frens.xp
anyways...i was reading wenjing's blog n i felt lyk blogging again!so hahaha.here i m thinking of smth to blog about.
i got a new fone...a nokia E71.i noe some ppl r rolling their eyes n going "wads wrong with her?she changed her fone.AGAIN???" lol. im sorrie...bud i cant help it if my fone decides to die on me every year or so...LOL
anyways,todae i went down to look for my physics tuition teacher,hu was nice enough to stay back aft his other class to explain to me thermal physics...LOL. THANKS LAOSHI!!!xp hahha.
haf i mentioned pw sucks? bud my grp members r awesome!xp hahaha.i hope i survive pw...=/
anyway,i think im kinda outta mindless rambling now.so i promise i'll blog soon!
Tata everyone!xp
xx signed off at 20:27
Saturday, 24 January 2009
HEY EVERYONE!!!!hahaha.im back to update/revive my dead blog.hahaha.lyk the new skin?lol.anyways...chinese new year's coming round the corner so let me wish everyone a happy chinese new year!!!xp
i guess youve all been wondering wad ive been up to...well,ive done a bit of shopping (okay okay,i admit,a lot of shopping....happy?) n made poor ks look lyk an aunty carrying all my shopping bags...THANKS!!!xp
ive been to sajc's open hse and nyjc's open hse....it was at nyjc's open hse where i saw dis super prettttyyyyy bag...den i was whining to gloria bout wanting dat bag and gloria went "juz push her off the 3rd floor wif yr bag...den once she falls,u can take the bag." bud i thought dat was kinda mean so i didnt do it....LOL!!! haiz....bud i really lyk dat baggg...*whines*
the next thing was dat i got my results...i did alrite.thank God.hahaha.my choices r sajc(s),sajc(a),nyjc(s),nyjc(a),cjc(s),cjc(a),integrated events and project management(SP),molecular biotechnology(NP),advertising and public relations(NP),aerospace technology(NP),biomed science(SP) and human resource management with psychology(SP).so yup....i really pray dat i'll go into sajc science cos i really dunno wad combi to take in the arts stream n i really dun wanna take geog again....hahaha.
i went to sentosa too....n i got super badly burnt.ask anyone hu was present...i also went to the zoo too...WHITE TIGERS!!!!hahaha....n no,i didnt jump into their cage wif a bucket on my head cos number one: i lyk living. number two:i lyk white tigers n lyk to c dem happy n undisturbed and number three: i didnt bring a bucket.hahaha.
so dats it for now...til nxt tym.n once again,happy chinese new year y'all!xp
xx signed off at 21:31
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
farah to the RESCUE! LOL....
okay....im back to rescue my dying (or already dead n rotting) blog.LOL.okay,random thought.u guys noe the newest ndp song? the one wif hardy going "shine for singapore"? wads wif the guy trying to ask out the girl in the mtv? i dun geddit.wad does dat haf to do wif ndp 2008? singapore's attempting the soft approach to promote romance singapore again? LOL.
hu wans to go n watch fireworks wif me on 9th of august?=))
BEING SICK IS THE PITS!!! ESP IF U HAF EXAMS!! lol.im suffering frm....i dunno wad.the doctor saes its probably smth i ate.bud i shant entertain u the details...bud i juz kip puking...=/ doctor also said im only allowed to eat porriage and soupy stuff.=/ NOOOOOO....hahaha.
mock exams haf been soso...i dun think i can do dat well.haiz...sians.nvm,wads over is over,no use thinking bout it anymore.lol.
okay,i hear the whale rider calling me now.tata!
xx signed off at 12:57
Thursday, 10 January 2008
hello hello! im back to rescue my dying blog...hahaha.
anyways...tmrs the last day of sch for the wk (at least for some,i stil haf to go back on sat morn for physics...) so yay! anyways...dis wk has been okay...seeing dat its lyk only the first official wk of sch...LOL.
todae we had our first actual lesson in pe...ms chng's pe lesson is kinda killer....LOL.its a miracle im stil able to type after all the conditioning she made us do...she made us do crunches,suicide run (2nd round made me realise y dey call it a suicide run and almost wanted to do the same thing.),shoulder blade muscle thingy stretches,a variation of push up ,something to stretch our leg muscles and some other stuff...nothing hurts too badly now...cept for my right shoulder muscle and my leg muscles....todae we took height and weight too....i lost a kg!!!! woohoo!!! =)) bud i didnt grow...im destined to be short!!!! *wails* even ah tiew's taller dan me...=(( so sad...no offence meant ah tiew...=))
anyways...dats bout it,short post todae...now i wonder if i can wear fbt shorts to sch on sat...hmmm...cos i haf tuition aft dat and i dun wanna wear my sch u on a sat...HAHAHA.i'll go ask around den...TTFN! (tata for now.tigger uses it.*grins*)
xx signed off at 18:48
Monday, 31 December 2007
hey guys...dis'll probably b my last post for 2007....seeing dat 2008 is in lyk 20 mins...HAHAHA. now im in a reflective mood. so lemme reflect on the things dat happened in 2007...due to space constraint, i'll limit it to the top 10 things dat happened...
1.My birthday 2.My current clique and HALF 3.The new frens i've made and the bonds that i've strengthened over the year 4.Sec 3 camp 5.My results this year (Thank God! =)) ) 6.3 joy '07 class chalet 7.SYF (silver silver silver!) =)) 8.Spending tym wif my family 9.Collecting all my cheques. =)) if u wanna noe wad its bout,ask me and you'll find out! =)) 10.and of cos not forgetting 3 joy 07/4 joy 08. C u guys wen sch reopens! =))
xx signed off at 23:50
Sunday, 23 December 2007
burried under piles of hwk....
oh my gawd...im being burried under piles of hwk...oh mans.quite sad la.ive got lyk tons of zuo wen to do...someone shld tell the chinese teachers at kcp dat its quality, not quantity dat matters...haiz.sick man...and sch's lyk starting nxt wk...shit.im lyk a total gone case.
on top of sch hwk i gotta do my tuition hwk.sad sad sad.rawr.and i haf 4 newspaper reports to write. i dun understand y we haf to do newspaper reports though.quite stupid lars...s'not lyk the o level's gonna make me search for a paper and do a newspaper report on it. duh...
so yes,basically besides sounding lyk a whinny baby, (i noe i sound lyk a whinny baby,bud its my blog and im UNHAPPY and i wanna WHINE.) im lyk drowning in hwk....rawr.
so haitus til i finish my hwk i guess...im such a gd kid arent i? LOL. self-praise...anyways...merry christmas everyone! =))
xx signed off at 21:40
Sunday, 16 December 2007
shopping list!
guess wad came in the mail yesterday? im a recipient of the EAGLES award.so the letter saes dat im gonna get a 150 bucks in an award voucher...so im wondering..wad if its a 150 voucher to lyk popular or smth...OMG! wad the heck m i gonna do wif a 150 buck voucher to popular...frankly id prefer it if dey gave me a cheque...heh heh...LOL.
i wanna buy a ton of stuff!!! omg! hands r itching to go on a shopping spree...rawr. HAHAHA
i haf an ulcer in my mouth...ouchie...=((
dis is a damn random post...den again,most of my posts haf been based on random stuff...LOL.